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Questions to ask when comparing any sewage treatment system with Bio-Pure

  • Can you install it without concrete?
  • Does it have a 3 to 5 year empty cycle?
  • Does it have a design that is copied around the world?
  • Is it free from internal moving parts?
  • Has it done a way with the potentially smelly primary settlement area?
  • Can it be installed in a morning by a competent DIY enthusiast?
  • Will it save you money?

Too many sewage treatment plants currently sold in the UK will answer no to some or all of these questions. They compare badly to the modern extended aeration design used in the Bio-Pure system.

A reinforced concrete sewage tank.

With over 700 sewage treatment plants sold and installed each year, Bio-Pure is one of the most popular system sold in the UK. It offers the simplest form of sewage treatment yet produces an effluent discharge quality far higher than the normal standard required by the Environment Agency to discharge into a ditch or stream.

Drainage tubes on-site.

For more information and a no-obligation chat
call Simon Wilson on
01757 229 061

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